We don’t even have to try It’s always a good time.

Hey guys,

When I was a teenager people would often ask, “What are your hobbies?” And I remember my reply was, “I love reading, writing, traveling and meeting new people.” I was often told that the ‘meeting new people’ part was rather weird and so as I got older I removed it from the list.
crazy friends

However as I sat in the park with my new friend, chatting away about our lives with Rihanna rocking away in the background (courtesy of my iPhone). I realized, girl you shouldn’t have listened to those people.

New friends Alert
Sometimes you meet a person and you just click, you’re comfortable with them, you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything.

They were definitely wrong, you thrive on this shit, you love it. New people, sitting down or walking around shooting the shit about whatever. No pressure, no pretenses , no sadness.

Definitely rediscovering that hobby. All thanks to my new friend Madeleine, from Ireland. Girl you are awesome, totally Slamming personality and I’m looking forward to us hanging out again. All the best on your travels and although you’ll never find anyone as fabulous as yours truly *wink *wink* I hope you make some good friends.


Don’t be afraid to give yourself everything you ever wanted in life.
I am Destiny Brown saying, We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.

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